15 Ways to Win a Job Interviews

By: Cecile Peterkin

When you walk into a job interview, the product you are selling is YOU. The interview process begins when you accept the interview, and ends when the employer decides to either hire you or look for someone more suitable. The more you are able to communicate professionalism with personality, distinction and skill, the better your chance of getting the job.

Before the Interview:
Use the 3 P's - Plan, Prepare, and Practice. 

1. Prepare for the interview; research the company and prepare questions based on your research.

2. Do mock interviews in order to prepare for all questions, especially uncomfortable ones.

3. Dress professionally even if the company dress code is business casual.

4. Arrive early! (12 - 15 minutes before the interview)

5. Give your interviewer a firm handshake. A powerful handshake and a genuine smile will get you off to a good start.

6. Beware of your Body Language; sit erect, stand and walk with confidence, lean forward toward the interviewer.

7. Build rapport - use powerful, effective communication techniques.

8. Be a good listener. Answer only what's asked, in a brief but effective manner.

9. Show enthusiasm and sincere interest. Don't act desperate.

10. Take notes. You may need to refer to them later in the interview.

11. Communicate your skills, qualifications, credentials and the benefits you offer.

12. Demonstrate your accomplishments; how you improve sales, reduce cost, improve productivity, solve organizational problems, etc.

13. Make eye contact. It demonstrates confidence, trust, and power.

14. If you want the position, ask for it - directly.

15. After the interview: Send a follow-up thank you letter. The letter should state what interests you about the position, why you are suitable for the job, and your appreciation for the interviewer's time.

copyright 2004

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About The Author, Cecile Peterkin

Cecile Peterkin is the President and Founder of Cosmic Coaching Centre, and publishes “Recipes for Success”, a Free monthly ezine on living your best life both personally and professionally. Cecile is a certified Career Coach and Retirement Coach and Speaker. She helps Middle Managers overcome the “Middle Syndrome” of being stuck in a middle position in mid-life. 

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