28/4/2016 MSc. Scholarship - Groundwater Futures in Sub-Saharan Africa” (GroFutures

The Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is collaborating with the other five African Institutions and seven European Institutions to implement a four year research based project titled ”Groundwater Futures in Sub-Saharan Africa” (GroFutures). The team is composed of internationally renowned experts on the science, management and governance of groundwater. The project is funded by the NERC-ESRC-DFID in the UK through the UPGro (Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the poor). The aim of the GroFutures project is to develop the scientific basis and participatory Management processes by which groundwater resources can be used sustainably for poverty alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The project works closely with the key public and private sector stakeholders in Tanzania, both at the National and local levels.

The focuses of GroFutures project are on:

 Reducing uncertainty in the renewability and quantity of accessible groundwater to meet future demands for food, water and environmental services

 Promoting inclusion of poor people's voices in decision-making processes on groundwater development pathways

 Intensified dependency on groundwater as demand for food and water rises and variability in rainfall and river flow increases due to climate change

GroFutures deliverables include:

 Quantitative understanding of groundwater development pathways

 Improved estimation of groundwater storage and recharge

 Compilation of multi-decadal groundwater level observations across Africa to assess climate-groundwater relationships

 High-frequency monitoring data to assess recharge process and groundwater - surface water interactions

 Quantification of future groundwater recharge and storage under projected changes in climate and land-use.

MSc. Research support

Within this project, two exciting MSc. scholarships are available for Tanzania nationals at the Sokoine University of Agriculture. The project intends to engage MSc. students who have or are about to complete their coursework to undertake their research within the project’s social sciences research focus areas. Some highlights on the research topics and objectives are provided hereunder:

1st Topic: Economic viability of groundwater use for irrigation by small-scale farmers

Overall Objective: To evaluate the economic potential of utilizing groundwater for irrigation by smallholder farmers

Specific objectives include to:

i) establish financial capability of a community of smallholder farmers to own groundwater source(s) e.g. boreholes or dug wells including a pumping unit;

ii) evaluate the performance of groundwater use for irrigation by smallholder farmers;

iii) analyse the costs and benefits from the use of groundwater for irrigation

2nd Topic: Institutional groundwater governance in Tanzania

Overall Objective: To build up a suitable institutional structure of groundwater governance in Tanzania

Specific objectives include to:

i) identify the trend of groundwater governance institutions and structures

ii) typology of groundwater users for both domestic and agriculture

iii) conduct a comparative analysis of between groundwater and surface water use for irrigation by

smallholder farmers

Required competencies (Combined)

 Good BSc. Degree (GPA > 3.5) in natural science or related fields, preferably with a background in Institutional analysis and economics

 High social competences in interacting with stakeholders at different levels

 High competence in economic analysis

 Good understanding of integrated water resources management

 Experience with stakeholder or institutional analysis

 Excellent skills in Microsoft Office applications including statistical packages (e.g. SPSS, SAS)

 Excellent skills in oral and written communications in English

 Great interest in working with an interdisciplinary and international team

 Willingness to work in the field for extended periods.

What the research project offers

 Work in a strong international team

 Training in inter- and trans-disciplinary research

 Field expenses and travel allowances

 Supervision by experts from SUA and from collaborating institutions.


Please send a CV, academic transcript, two academic referees’ letters, and a brief outline of research interest to the Project Leader (Tanzania) Prof. J.J. Kashaigili (jkashaigili@gmail.com, jkashaigili@suanet.ac.tz) and Ms. Devotha Mosha (devotha.kilave@gmail.com). Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until 10th May 2016. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted immediately after the deadline to set up the interviews. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

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