UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean is currently inviting experienced experts (individuals, not firms/companies/entities) to apply, in order to be considered for the registration and prequalification of the consultant´s pool in the following thematic areas:
Area 1 LPP, Description: Leadership and political participation
Area 2 EE, Description: Women empowerment and full realization of women economic security and rights, property, land and assets, unpaid work, social security systems, etc.
Area 3 EVAW, Description: Prevention and elimination of violence against women
Area 4 PS, Description: Peace and security and humanitarian action
Area 5 GEWE, Description: Gender responsive budgeting as an advocacy and planning tool for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE)
Area 6 GS, Description: Gender statistics
Area 7 GOAL6, Description: Global norms, policies and standards on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
Area 8 HIV, Description: Gender equality and HIV/AIDS
Area 9 RD, Description: Rural development
Area 10 IADW, Description: Indigenous and/or Afro descendant women
Area 11 SD, Description: Sustainable development
Area 12 PROGD, Description: Program and project design
Area 13 PLAN, Description: Planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation
Area 14 DR, Description: Donor relations and/or resource mobilization and reporting
Area 15 SS, Description: Partners ‘relations, South-South Cooperation
Area16 KM, Description: Knowledge management
Area 17 COMM, Description: Communications and media
Duties and responsibilities: The consultants, under the supervision of an assigned UN Women advisor or specialist, analyzes and stays abreast of trends related to UN Women focus areas, as well as others relevant to the organization’s programming and mission of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. In addition, he/she provides technical and substantive assistance to UN Women in the field for programme/project design and implementation.
Consultants will provide a range of services to clients (UN Women Regional Office, Country Offices, Program Presence Offices and/or RC and/or UNCT Projects). Specific reporting and working relationships will be specified at the time of contracting for a specific assignment when demand arises, pre-selected consultants will be called upon to provide demand-driven services.
For more details on this Call for Consultants, please refer to the Documents on the following link:https://www.ungm.org/Public/notice/4419
Submission details
The consultant should identify the thematic area(s) that best fits his/her range of experience and expertise. If applicable, it is strongly recommended to apply to more than one thematic area.
All submissions should be emailed to programme.one@unwomen.org with subject line indicating the reference according with your selected thematic area of interest as the following example: Area 1 LPP – Consultants Pool. Otherwise application will not be accepted within this call.
Note: It´s necessary to submit an application for each thematic area of interest.
Interested consultants must provide the following:
Curricula vitae and professional references of relevant experiences.
Short letter of interest describing your qualifications, availability and your preferences in terms of areas of work or assignments.
Applications will be received until April 24, 2016 (24:00 hours, Panama local time). However interested applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible.
Consultants will be selected in accordance with UN Women Rules and Regulations. Only short listed applications will shall be considered and contacted.
This call does not entail any commitment on the part of UN-Women, either financial or otherwise. UN-Women reserve the right to accept or reject any or all applications without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant/s of the grounds.
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