Duration: 6 months (office-based), with possibility of extension
Background and Purpose of Assignment
Tanzania is at a critical juncture in its history, which makes accelerating progress in social inclusion a clear need. Over the next 10-15 years, the largest ever youth population will enter their economically productive years. Further, the country is on the verge of reaching middle income status with a strong political will to achieve rapid industrialization. Yet, the future workforce that Tanzania is relying on to achieve its vision, consists today of a significant share of children who are affected by monetary and non-monetary poverty.
The Government Five-Year Development Plan (2016-2021) – FYDP II, which will also constitute the SDGs implementation plan for Tanzania, is under finalization and will come into effect on 1st July 2016. Strongly engaging in its operationalization will prove critical to ensure adequate investments in children are made and an equity perspective to development is mainstreamed across sectors. With industrialization firmly put at the center of the current national discourse, it is paramount to ensure that child rights fulfillment and human capital development are recognized as key pre-conditions for achieving the desired economic transformation, and therefore assigned clear priority.
Research plays a critical role in generating high quality evidence that can support policy, programming and advocacy for children; identifying and analyzing emerging and strategic issues for children; and contributing to global knowledge on children. Recognizing the strategic importance of producing quality research findings through high integrity research processes, UNICEF has put in place a research policy complemented by procedures, guidelines and reference materials which together contribute to a more unified approach to research within the organization. The regional office of UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa has also developed a Regional Research Strategy and Action Plan for 2015-2017 with specific deliverables for country offices. Due to the decentralized research function with country offices responsible for implementing their own research activities while ensuring quality and integrity of the process, strengthening country office research capacity is essential.
In this context, the TCO Social Inclusion Programme (2016-2021) will implement an integrated strategy where strategic evidence on monetary and non-monetary child poverty informs efforts to enhance quantity and quality of investments in child well-being, in both Mainland and Zanzibar, complemented by strategic research and evaluations from programme sections. In order to kick-start the SPRME ambitious programme for 2016-17, in the context where the section remains understaffed with a vacant Chief post, additional support is necessary with the following strategic focus:
Public Finance for Children (PF4C): Addressing child poverty in all its forms, as per SDG 1, requires adequate, efficient, effective and equitable public spending. In this light, UNICEF SPRME intends to support the establishment of a government-led mechanism to measure, track and report on child-focused budget provisions and expenditure. SPRME will also support UNICEF programme sections and correspondent sector ministries to assess quantity and quality of national and sub-national public spending, as well as engage in the budget cycle at large to ensure enhanced investments in children, in both Mainland and Zanzibar.
Research and Evaluation: SPRME section spearheads a dynamic programme of research and analysis on child poverty and emerging issues such as urbanization. At the same time, the section is also supporting the strengthening of the Country Office research and evaluation capacity. Key priorities will include arranging internal training for UNICEF staff on how to better manage research and evaluation as well as hands-on coaching, supporting and quality assuring specific researches and evaluations. Furthermore, in line with the Regional Research Strategy and Agenda for UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa 2015-2017 Action Plan, the office will need assistance to set up innovative systems for monitoring the use and uptake of its research findings.
Evaluation and the SDGs: in order to achieve the ambitious SDG agenda, it is essential to ensure a strong national evaluation culture for evidence generation. UNICEF will in this context continue collaborating with the Tanzania Evaluation Association (TanEA) to enhance strategic planning for evaluation under the SDG agenda and strengthening the national evaluation capacity.
It is against this background that UNICEF Tanzania Country Office is seeking a dynamic and experienced Social Policy Consultant (International) to support the SPRME Section to provide support in the above mentioned areas.
Specific Tasks
Under the supervision of the OIC SPRME Chief at UNICEF Tanzania, the consultant will support planning and timely delivery of the following activities:
1. Public Finance for Children (PF4C) in both Mainland and Zanzibar:
Establishing (planning and implementing) a government-led mechanism to measure, track and report on child-focused budget provisions and expenditure. Specifically, the consultant will be leading and coordinating country piloting of a context-specific measurement of child-focused public expenditure.
Support UNICEF programme sections to plan and engage (or strengthen) public finance work, including (but not limited to) further strengthening capacity building on planning and budgeting for child protection, nutrition and social protection at national and sub-national levels (building on the existing partnership and collaboration with MoF/Budget Department to include the above in their regular training curriculum); supporting UNICEF nutrition team in the preparation of an updated Public Expenditure Review; produce updated budget briefs.
2. Research and Evaluation:
Provide technical support for the implementation of key deliverables and actions under the Regional Research Strategy and Agenda for UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa 2015-2017 Action Plan, including (but not limited to) setting up systems for monitoring the use and uptake of research findings, mapping of in-country research/evaluation capacity and developing formats for research briefs.
Provide technical support for the country office research and evaluation work, including conducting staff training on research and evaluation management, and reviewing and quality assuring programme sections’ research and evaluation activities.
Technical support for strengthening the national evaluation culture, including (but not limited to) supporting TanEA revision of strategic plan for strengthening evaluation in the SDG agenda.
Expected Deliverables
UNICEF SPRME’s work on public finance for children and research/ evaluation boosted as a result of technical support to planning, delivery, management and coordination of activities, in both Mainland and Zanzibar. Specifically:
Context-specific measurement of child-focused public expenditure defined through a government-owned process.
PER Nutrition planning phase and preparation completed.
Enhanced capacity of programme sections on PF4C through internal staff training and mapping of strategic entry points by sector.
Strengthened capacity of government staff at national and sub-national level in planning and budgeting for child protection, nutrition, social protection and other priority areas through collaboration with MoFP / Budget Department and PO-RALG to enhance relevant training modules.
Sector ministries supported in annual budget submissions.
Updated Budget Briefs for all social sectors.
Operational research and pilots around innovative social protection approaches conducted.
Strengthened capacity of country office staff to manage research and evaluations through training and coaching.
Technical support and quality assurance provided to country office research and evaluation activities.
Innovative system for monitoring use of research findings developed and implemented.
Key actions and deliverables under the Regional Research Strategy and Agenda for UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa 2015-2017 Action Plan effectively supported and implemented.
Technical support provided to strategic plan for national evaluation system strengthening and related activities.
Expected Qualification and Experience
Advanced university degree in Economics, preferably PhD.
At least eight (8) years progressively responsible professional work experience at the national and international levels in public financial management, research and evaluation. Experience working with government is a must.
Dynamism and excellent coordination, problem-solving and partnership building skills are required.
Good communication, facilitation and negotiation skills including running training and facilitating workshops are required.
Strong analytical and writing skills requested.
Knowledge of Kiswahili is an asset.
Applications should be directed
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