Plan is an international child - centered Development Organization whose mission is to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children 1< through a process that unites people across cultures and x adds meaning and value to their lives. Plan in Tanzania's Country Strategic Plan 2016-2020 aims I!U( that marginalized children in Tanzania, especially adolescent girls, are able to reach their full potential in a society that protects and respects their rights. This goal will
be achieved through the implementation of 5 Country Programs: 1) Maternal, neonatal and child health and nutrition 2) Equal access to basic education 3) Water, sanitation and hygiene 4) Youth employment and 5) Child protection, including child labour, child marriage and FGM
Plan International Tanzania now invites applications from suitably, qualified and experienced persons to fill below position.
Job purpose and summary:
To support the development and roll out of Plan's M&E framework and systems to ensure quality implementation of its country strategic plan.
To support alignment .of all M&E from sponsorship and grants. To develop tools and provide extensive monitoring support to Program Units, including capacity building.
Educational Qualification and Experience
A Master's degree in International Development, or other relevant field preferred.
Minimum 5 years of relevant field based M&E experience, including significant time in Monitoring and Evaluation for development.
Fluent written and spoken English language skills required.
Experience with rights based participatory MER approaches including social audits.
This position requires high computer literacy with a full knowledge of office applications.
The above positions' carry attractive remuneration as per Plan lnternational Tanzania salary structure and incentive package.
Plan International Tanzania is an equal opportunity employer. Interested and qualified Tanzanians are invited to send their applications enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, certificate copies of relevant education and professional qualifications together with, names of three referees, and their contact via
Source Guardian
Plan is an international child - centered Development Organization whose mission is to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children 1< through a process that unites people across cultures and x adds meaning and value to their lives. Plan in Tanzania's Country Strategic Plan 2016-2020 aims I!U( that marginalized children in Tanzania, especially adolescent girls, are able to reach their full potential in a society that protects and respects their rights. This goal will
be achieved through the implementation of 5 Country Programs: 1) Maternal, neonatal and child health and nutrition 2) Equal access to basic education 3) Water, sanitation and hygiene 4) Youth employment and 5) Child protection, including child labour, child marriage and FGM
Plan International Tanzania now invites applications from suitably, qualified and experienced persons to fill below position.
The purpose of this role is to support all Plan International Tanzania advocacy work as well as lead on the implementation of gender and inclusion strategies, by ensuring Gender and inclusion is well mainstreamed in all Plan International Tanzania work
The incumbent will:
• Lead the development, roll out and monitoring of Plan International Tanzania advocacy strategy, 2016-2020 and ensure that this is aligned with the 5 thematic areas identified in the Country Strategic Plan
• Map and analyse relevant government and sector level policies and relevant legislations and develop policy briefs to inform Plan International Tanzania policy direction in collaboration with the Program team'
• Support advocacy work during major humanitarian emergencies such as conflicts, food crises and population displacement Represent Plan International Tanzania in national advocacy platforms and forums (UPR, CEDAW, status of children's report etc) and when necessary Lead the development and tracking of Plan International Tanzania's- involvement in the Sustainable Development Goals discourse and ensure that our efforts are documented and shared
• Support the program team during the development of proposals and concepts and ensure that Plan's advocacy position is integrated and highlighted
• Work closely with the communications and M&E counter- parts to ensure alignment with the communications strategy and contribute to effective support of Plan International's programme goals.
• Effectively support the Gender Equality Strategy and Child Protection Policy self-assessment processes and ensure that the results and outcomes support our advocacy
• Engage with the key advocacy leads at the national,
• Regional and Global levels and draw lessons and experiences from other RESA countries' Gender inclusion and
• Advocacy Managers
• Support and work closely with the respective Program and Project Managers in all policy, legal and advocacy works as they emanate from their respective projects and initiatives
• Support the Country Management Team in formulating country and need specific strategies and goals on advocacy, gender and inclusion
• Operationalize the realization of Plan's Gender strategic direction by providing technical support and developing effective gender strategies in Plan International Tanzania.
• Facilitate the capacity enhancement of Plan staff and partners to acquire skills in lobbying and advocacy on issues that will influence policy at local, national and international level.
• Provide capacity building support to Plan International Tanzania staff and partners for mainstreaming gender at all levels.
Educational Qualification and Experience
• A master's degree in Gender/ International Development! Sociology or other relevant field;
• Minimum 5 years of relevant advocacy experience including gender issues
• Experience in planning and facilitating training/workshops on gender and inclusion
• Fluent written and spoken English language skills
• Experience in advocacy (and campaigns an advantage)
• Excellent communication and persuasion skills to influence others to be gender and inclusion sensitive;
• Experience with rights based approach
• Experience in programme design, including strong gender and inclusion analysis
• Experience in capacity building, including developing guidance and tools to be used by staff
Plan International Tanzania is an equal opportunity employer. Interested and qualified Tanzanians are invited to send their applications enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, certificate copies of relevant education and professional qualifications together with, names of three referees, and their contact via
Source The Guardian
Plan is an international child - centered Development Organization whose mission is to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children 1< through a process that unites people across cultures and x adds meaning and value to their lives. Plan in Tanzania's Country Strategic Plan 2016-2020 aims I!U( that marginalized children in Tanzania, especially adolescent girls, are able to reach their full potential in a society that protects and respects their rights. This goal will
be achieved through the implementation of 5 Country Programs: 1) Maternal, neonatal and child health and nutrition 2) Equal access to basic education 3) Water, sanitation and hygiene 4) Youth employment and 5) Child protection, including child labour, child marriage and FGM
Plan International Tanzania now invites applications from suitably, qualified and experienced persons to fill below position.
Job purpose and summary:
The position exists to communicate Plan Tanzania's best practices to all key stakeholders (internally and externally) including communities, partners, donors, sponsors and Government through employing relevant communication channels. The position will support communications and campaign capacity development within the organization and closely liaise with the Advocacy & Gender Specialist.
The Head of Communications & Campaigns will
• Coordinate the Communication processes in line with the Country Strategic Plan to ensure Plan Tanzania is represented effectively. It is therefore upon the incumbent as the Head of Communications & Campaigns to have a full grasp of Plan Tanzania's strategic goals and programs.
• Will work closely with CMT members, Program Department and Program Unit Managers to understand the different programs & projects.
• Represents Plan Tanzania at various platforms and promotes the Plan Brand as a child centered communications and campaigns has the role of being the public relations agent of the organization
• Deal with the media and verify that all correspondence by any Plan Tanzania staff member with the Media is per the organization's policy and standards. The role also, includes interacting with the Communities and ensuring the appropriate messages are relayed.
Educational Qualification and Experience
• Master's degree in Mass Communication or equivalent in a communication related discipline
• At least 5 years' experience in communications/PR or journalism.
• At least 2 years at a senior level
• Develops, motivates coaches and manages Program team in the country
• Promotes high performance by all staff '
• Promotes innovation and learning
• Communicates clearly and effectively
• Gains, develops and retains credibility about his/her performance
• Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
• Ability to work effectively both independently and as a part of a team
• Strong management skills in coaching, problem solving and people management
Plan International Tanzania is an equal opportunity employer. Interested and qualified Tanzanians are invited to send their applications enclosing detailed curriculum vitae, certificate copies of relevant education and professional qualifications together with, names of three referees, and their contact via
SOURCE: The Guardian 8 September 2016